
Sliding Scale Pricing

What is a Sliding Scale?

How did I come to create this sliding scale?

I realised that sometimes financial hardship is a barrier to accessing support for you energy and alignment in your life and work. I wanted to create opportunities for accessibility in these cases!

A lot of time, energy and thought has gone into creating this accessible sliding scale system. Please find the linked resources below which helped me put it all together for you!

Please note: No proof is required of you to verify the scale you choose. I’m relying on honesty. Clients I attract tend to have integrity and honesty as values high on their list.

“The top price class ticket is the actual cost of the class/session. If you choose a ticket price below the top tier you are receiving a discount.

The middle price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this class may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.

The bottom price is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and paying for this class would still be a significant hardship”. From Worts and Cunning

What’s the difference between sacrifice and hardship?

“If paying for a class, product, or service would be difficult, but not detrimental, it qualifies as a sacrifice. You might have to cut back on other spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, or a new outfit), but this will not have a long term harmful impact on your life. It is a sacred sacrifice in order to pursue something you are called to do. If, however, paying for a class, product, or service would lead to a harmful impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship. Folks coming from a space of hardship typically qualify for the lower end of the sliding scale”. From Worts and Cunning

Thanks go to worts and cunning for the above information which helped me create this scale. Click the above links to read her full articles! Please take all of this into consideration when selecting your tier.

Reach out to me here if you need any further assistance.

Additional factors to help you determine if you should access a lower tier…

Tier 1:

  • Have not been negatively financially impacted by COVID or lockdowns.
  • Have secure accommodation
  • Do not identify as being from a marginalised community.
  • Have easy access to disposable income.

Tier 2:

  • You have been slightly affected financially by COVID lockdowns
  • You have access to some disposable income for self-care/holiday/fun/personal development
  • You have access to secure accommodation
  • You may identify as being from a marginalised identity/community or single parent family.

Tier 3:

  • You have been significantly financially affected by the lockdowns or have needed to pivot during COVID.
  • You identify as being from a marginalised identity/community
  • Are a single parent without access to partner income/support
  • You are living month-to-month financially
  • Very limited access disposable income
  • Lack of secure accommodation