Hands-on, 60 minute in person Reiki Sessions
Are you ready to let go of all that is no longer serving you?
The gentle, healing touch of Reiki is incredibly soothing, nurturing and empowering on so many levels.
In sessions with me – you are the real healer and I am just your guide, your support, your facilitator for the healing process as you find your way to your true self, empowerment and inner healing. As a Reiki Channel – I channel the healing energy of Reiki through my hands to you, and your body does the rest!
I have worked with hundreds of people who have found Reiki powerfully transformative in healing chronic pain, depression, anxiety and overwhelm, and for regaining a sense of clarity, purpose, and energy.

How does a session unfold?
When you come in for a session – we have a brief chat about what has brought you to me for a session, and then you hop up onto the massage table and we will go from there!
You then simply relax on the massage table (fully clothed), with a blanket and pillows for comfort. The room is set up with soft lighting, gentle music, and essential oils to assist you to relax.
I place my hands gently on or over the body in specific positions and the Reiki energy passes from my hands to you.
During the session, you may feel sensations of heat, coolness, tingling beneath the hands, or simply a sense of calm and relaxation.
The Reiki moves gently throughout the body to where it is needed, balancing out any energy blockages and revitalising all aspects of the mind, body, and spirit, so that your body can once again take over and heal itself.
Reiki Sessions with me can also have an intuitive element to them, depending on what is occurring for you in the moment.
In some cases, I am able to ‘pick up’ or perceive information about what has caused the current issue, where it is located within the body, and/or what is needed for you to move forward. Sometimes we will talk during or after the session as needed.
Sometimes loved ones who have passed over, angels or guides can assist the session by passing on information to assist with your healing journey.

A dedicated practitioner who gently heals your soul – I highly recommend Amanda to anyone who is ready to move forward in their life in a profound way – your amazing dedication to healing is to be commended, Amanda!
Athena, Rowville
Some additional information about sessions with me:
- Letting go of expectations at the beginning of each session is really important as each healing session meets your individual energy and healing needs in that moment in time.
- Reiki and the techniques I use are non-religious – you do not have to believe in anything other than your own beliefs.
If at anytime you feel uncomfortable – you are always encouraged to let me know. - The techniques are also able to be used safely in conjunction with other medical and holistic treatments such as medication, counselling, and physical rehabilitation, However please advise me of any conditions prior to your session.
What can I expect to feel after a session?
People most often describe a sense of lightness, and an increase in motivation and clarity following a Reiki treatment.
Sometimes, as a result of the healing and getting your energy ‘moving’ again some people can feel the need to be gentle with themselves in the following day or two.
I provide you with some self-care recommendations to support your energy following a session and a follow up call to answer any questions you might have about 3 days after your session.
The truth is – every person and every session is different and depends on the haling you have come for and the healing you receive on the day!
I have had several Reiki sessions with Amanda and I can highly recommend her. She has a gentle and encouraging manner and I manage to reach a deep state of relaxation almost instantly once the session begins. I always feel her Reiki sessions filter through on so many levels and I look forward to my continued sessions with her. Thank you Amanda.
Click here to find out more about the three tiers and Sliding Scale Pricing
Firstly – I know some people find ‘choosing’ their price overwhelming – but please don’t!
Tier 1 is the normal cost of a session.
Tier 2 is for anyone experiencing some financial hardship.
Tier 3 is for someone experiencing severe financial hardship.
Please simply choose the most relevant to your PRESENT situation. There is no judgment from me – and no need to ‘prove’ your level. It’s one way I try to make my services more accessible.
Read more below to learn how I came to choose this
How did I come to create this sliding scale?
I realised that sometimes financial hardship is a barrier to accessing support for you energy and alignment in your life and work. I wanted to create opportunities for accessibility in these cases!
A lot of time, energy and thought has gone into creating this accessible sliding scale system. Please find the linked resources below which helped me put it all together for you.
Please note: No proof is required of you to verify the scale you choose. I’m relying on honesty. Clients I attract tend to have integrity and honesty as being high on their values list.
“The top price class ticket (Tier 1) is the ACTUAL cost of the class/session. If you choose a Tier 2 or Tier 3 you are receiving a discount.
The middle price is for those who are able to meet their basic needs but have little-to-no expendable income. Paying for this class may qualify as a sacrifice but it would not create hardship.
The bottom price is for those who struggle to meet basic needs and paying for this class would still be a significant hardship”. From Worts and Cunning
What’s the difference between sacrifice and hardship?
“If paying for a class, product, or service would be difficult, but not detrimental, it qualifies as a sacrifice. You might have to cut back on other spending in your life (such as going out to dinner, buying coffee, or a new outfit), but this will not have a long term harmful impact on your life. It is a sacred sacrifice in order to pursue something you are called to do. If, however, paying for a class, product, or service would lead to a harmful impact on your life, such as not being able to put food on the table, pay rent, or pay for your transportation to get to work, then you are dealing with hardship. Folks coming from a space of hardship typically qualify for the lower end of the sliding scale”. From Worts and Cunning
Thanks go to worts and cunning for the above information which helped me create this scale. Click the above links to read her full articles! Please take all of this into consideration when selecting your tier.
Reach out to me here if you need any further assistance.
Prefer to work virtually?
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you just use Reiki in your treatments?
Reiki is the main energy modality I use, however as a Reiki Master/Teacher, EFT Master Practitioner, Certified Angel Card Reader, Medium and Intuitive I am happy to bring all of my knowledge and expertise to your individual situation. I am also an experienced coach and mentor. We can work with the techniques we find are most powerful for you in this moment. Simply let me know if you would like to include any of these elements in your session.
In addition to the healing I provide I can also teach you some easy to use, practical energy-clearing, intuition strengthening and energy balancing techniques to help support you while you achieve your business success in between sessions.
Some of the things I can work with you on include:
- How to connect more deeply to your intuition.
- How to understand your energy patterns and how they apply to your business
- Mindset, manifestation and energy clearing techniques.
- EFT (tapping).
- Angel/Oracle cards.
How many sessions do I need for Reiki to help me?
The number of sessions you need will depend on many factors. If you are simply coming for a relaxation session or to see what Reiki is like – a single session may be all you need.
If you are coming to me for deep seated, long held issues, or as a result of a serious trauma, you can expect to need a few sessions to receive the full benefits. One hour goes very quickly!
In these instances, I recommend 3 sessions reasonably close together to ensure a fully transformational and supported experience and I do offer a three session intensive package for this reason.
I would like to acknowledge that I live and work on the land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation and I wish to pay my respects to the elders past, present and emerging. Sovereignty has never been ceded.